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Weight Loss Tips and Advice

  1. BMI is a measure of healthy weight for individuals, taking your height and weight into account. It is not foolproof as it doesn’t measure body fat, but is a good indicator for most individuals.
  2. What should your BMI be? < 18.5 Underweight / 18.5 – 24.9 Normal / 25 – 25.9 Overweight / 30+ Obese.
  3. Don’t let your body image be dictated by magazines and television. What you see is rarity and fantasy.
  4. Crash dieting doesn’t work. Choose a healthy lifestyle instead.
  5. Weight gain is often a mask for emotional causes. Get to the root of your emotional issues to get healthy again.
  6. Unexplained weight gain can be a sign of a medical issue. Talk to your doctor if you haven’t changed your diet or exercise.
  7. Being overweight can contribute to heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, breathing issues, gallbladder disease and arthritis.
  8. Aim to lose inches instead of pounds on a weight loss program.
  9. While what you eat and how you exercise is important, the general formula for weight loss is to exert more calories than you consume.
  10. Get support in getting to your ideal weight. Ask for support and even participation from friends, families, co-workers and more.
  11. Excess skin after a large weight loss is common. It may diminish over time and with exercise, or you might consider surgical options if it becomes problematic.
  12. Portion control is one of the biggest keys to weight loss. Could it be how much you’re eating, rather than what you’re eating?
  13. It may hurt to hear it, but due to hormonal differences, men often find it easier to lose weight than woman.
  14. New Year’s Resolutions for weight loss rarely work. Pick another more meaningful reason to lose weight and you’re more likely to stick with your plan.
  15. Carrying extra after-baby pounds? Get moving with your little one. Go for a walk, play together and invest in a jogging stroller.
  16. Drink a lot of sodas and fruit juices? Those extra calories make you pack on extra pounds. Try water and herbal tea instead.

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